I can't really think of a name for this...

Warning, family gye is nao scary!


So, I was just sleeping, when a disc fell onto my face in the middle of the night.  It said "you_are_a_complete_idiot_if_you_watch_this
_nah_jk_you're_a_good_guy.avi"!  I thought this was some kind of of morbid joke, since most of the cds that fall on my face in the middle of the night say something different on them.  Anyway, i put it in my Windows 3.1 and it froze.  Obviously haunted.  I put it in my Windows 9, and it worked fine.  It was a hyperrealistic episode of family guy.  It started with Peter rip
ping his shirt off and screeming.  Then he puked in Meg's mouth and brokw his leg.  He killed lois, put chris in a bag and gave him to herbert, wathced Biran lick himself and den he died.  A skeleton popped out.